Select this link to Search the walls for a veterans name (entering names will be an on-going process each year)

Description of Veterans Memorial Park

  This memorial consists of two black granite slabs, each 3,000 pounds, on which the names of almost 150 Moore County veterans killed in the past 100 years are inscribed beginning with World War I to the present. Completing the monument, three flag poles surround the centerpiece, the sculpted figure of an eagle resting atop a smooth stone base. The black granite pedestal of the centerpiece is inscribed with the five branches of the military. The flags flown include the U.S. flag, the North Carolina flag, and the Prisoner of War flag. Twenty-one numbered marble slabs flank the center on the left and right and bear the names of more than 1,000 veterans living and deceased from Moore County. The monument forms a right angle, with the inscribed slabs extending to the left and right of the flag poles and eagle sculpture at the center. A three feet high wall constructed of alternating smooth and rusticated granite blocks forms the rear perimeter of the memorial with the names of major contributors incised on the smooth blocks. A small sloped black granite block sitting directly behind the centerpiece list the names of the Moore County Veterans Memorial Committee. Crepe myrtle trees adorn the central walkway, with the total of six inscribed granite benches on both sides of the walkway. A curved white rail fence extends around the front perimeter. The memorial was designed with room on the slabs to continue adding the names of veterans from current and future wars.